i tried to reduce/compress/shrink a cyberpoem called "i spin", which is a wordplay with the letters that spell i spin, rearranged in various combinations.
firstly i separated the video and audio tracks of the cyberpoem, then made the video in premiere at 60x45 frame size, video compression, 5fps, and got a clip of 327k.
that was then made as an animated gif in gifbuilder which reduced its size to 66k.
the audio track was also made in premiere at 5khz, 8 bit recording, then into soundedit with mace 3 compression to make a quicktime movie file of 61k.

i also made a qt midi file in a program i downloaded last week called midigraphy.
it is a great program, letting you sequence music and it plays it back in quicktime midi musical, instruments.
i'm not a musician but i composed five bars of music randomly clicking on various tracks.
the music was made as a quicktime file and then processed in movieplayer to make it cross-platform .mov file.
this produced a 1k file-great, as long as you have qt musical instruments extension and qt plugin for netscape, which will be standard in the next public release version of netscape.

more sound poems
