sound poetry

if you want to hear some cyberpoetry, digital moving poetry welded with sound, and you have a mac, then you are going to need some plug-ins for your browser. (sorry windows people but my embedded quicktime soundtracks were compressed with mace compression which unfortunately crashes netscape if you are not using a mac,............... i have pleasure in announcing that "a windows version will be available soon." - ha ha.
don't forget to bookmark this page to hear some cyberpoems after you've installed the plug-ins.of course if you are using
netscape navigator 3.01 or later then the plug-ins you require should already be there, namely the quicktime and liveaudio plug-ins.if you have netscape navigator 2 then you will need a plug-in to read embedded quicktime movie files.
these plug-ins are available from
quicktime or moviestar.
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if you are using a mac, you can make this page talk: if you want to find out more about
talker press here.

some text to speech scripts read by computer voicestalker