wednesday, 29/5/96

today i worked on reducing the size of two gif animations drugs01and 02 and preparing journal pages to add to my uq web site.
bill the webmaster here at qut has yet to post the pages i sent him last wednesday and margaret did not appear again this wednesday.
this was a slow process because i had to alter each html document separately [there are now 124 separate files associated with my web site] , i suppose i'm getting to the point were i need to learn about html editing software to globally change certain information common to documents.
i'm also going to have to sort out how to move between directories as the 124 files are becoming unmanageable.
the proposed meeting with phillip nielson of the masters in creative writing at gardens point did not eventuate, but rod and i got together to discuss my future involvenment with the academy, and the future of my research and the outcomes of my residency.


