friday, 26/4/96
more work on html.
also started to find out more about embedding talk commands with talker and video into documents.
checked out lots of sites and downloaded their scripts to see how they were constructed.
this netscape is great, everything is out in the open and a little knowledge begets a whole lot more.
i am having fun with web authoring.
saturday, 27/4/96
more work on html.
also started to find out more about embedding talk commands and video into documents.
checked out lots of sites and downloaded their scripts to see how they were constructed.
this netscape is great, everything is out in the open and a little knowledge begets a whole lot more.
i am having fun with web authoring.
sunday, 28/4/96
did some surfing and remade some sections of the review program on the academy as flattened quicktime movies for insertion into my segment of the academy's web site.