


monday, 27/5/96

zanthi was sick and i worked from home today.
did a lot of work on my uq pages, getting all the masters critical essay pages onto the uq server.
i also tried to set up realaudio so that it serves of the uni server, otherwise i will have to set up my computer as a personal server and leave it on all the time - this will cause problems because i only have 40 hours per week on my student account.
as far as authoring for the web it seens that netscape 3 will have video audio and animation plug ins built in so it will be ready for mulktimedia, it will also support some java and javascript applications.
the problem with netscape two is that you have to find the plugins, download them and then configure your page to use them.
this problem will not be completely resolved by netscape 3, because there will still be plugins that don't come packaged with the browser, but it will be multimedia ready.
with java and java browsers the platform will be more universal.


