tuesday, 9/7/96

although celanimator looked good on the desktop, there are problems when actually running on the net.
first the web server has to be configured to recognise the new mime type, i emailed the webmaster to inform him, secondly the receiver has to have netscape 3.05b and the futuresplash plugin installed and thirdly this free demo software expires on the 1/8/96.
i remembered that premiere has a text animation function in its title program so i did some experimenting with the first two pages of the reality is a construct poem i worked on yesterday.
once again i made movies at various sizes and compressions and the best method i came up with was video compression, low quality ,2fps.
i then processed the movies in gifbuilder, which further reduced their file size.
i ended up with a 'i was born clip' of 28k, and one of 'i was the centre of the universe' of 160k, which are bigger than the futuresplash files but smaller than the quicktime files made yesterday, but with the advantage that they can be scaled up on the web page without an increase ion file size, and can be viewed on netscape 2 and above.
i have yet to test them in operation on the net but if i hit this button i'll have a good idea.
i also made a small button like object that flashes.

i had some fun with the kids, my quickcam and our new haircuts and gifbuider to make this crazy animation.


